yu gi oh forbiden memories fusoes
Todas as Fusões
Estou criando esse tópico para colocar todas as fusões que dá pra fazer no jogo, eu peguei elas num site, e estou colocando aqui, não testei todas, mas para quem jogou o Forbidden Memories são quase as mesmas.
Obs: as vezes pode demorar para eu postar pois o Orkut tá limitando as minhas postagens na comunidade, não sei acho que é porque estou escrevendo demais, aí eu tenho que ficar esperando minutos e minutos para poder escrever, aí eu desisto e começo outro dia ou mais tarde, mas esse tópico vai ter todas as fusões.
Até mais.
Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon
= Gaia the Dragon Champion (2600/2100)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon + Meteor Black Dragon
= Black Meteor Dragon (3500/2000)
* Animal + Female
= Nekogal #2 (1900/2000)
* Animal + Machine
= Giga-Tech Wolf (1200/1400)
= Dice Armadillo (1650/1800)
* Animal + Plant
= Flower Wolf (1800/1400)
* Animal + Pyro
= Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800)
* Animal + Warrior
= Tiger Axe (1300/1100)
* Aqua + Dragon
= Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kairyu-Shin (1800/1500)
= Sea King Dragon (2000/1700)
* Aqua + Ground Attacker Bugroth
= Amphibious Bugroth (1850/1300)
* Aqua + Kappa Avenger
= Hyosube (1500/900)
* Aqua + Psychic Kappa
= Hyosube (1500/900)
* Aqua + Thunder
= Bolt Escargot (1400/1500)
* Beast + Fish
= Tatsunootoshigo (1350/1600)
= Rare Fish (1500/1200)
= Marine Beast (1700/1600)
* Beast + Larvas
= Mon Larvas (1300/1400)
* Beast + Thunder
= Tripwire Beast (1200/1300)
* Beast + Turtle
= Turtle Tiger (1000/1500)
* Dark Magic + Dragon
= Blackland Fire Dragon (1500/800)
* Dark Magic + Elf
= Dark Elf (2000/800)
* Dark Spellcaster + Jar
= Ushi Oni (2150/1950)
* Dark Spellcaster + Ryu-Kishin
= Ryu-Kishin Powered (1600/1200)
* Dinosaur + Machine
= Cyber Saurus (1800/1400)
* Dragon + Aqua
= Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kairyu-Shin (1800/1500)
= Sea King Dragon (2000/1700)
* Dragon + Dark Magic
= Blackland Fire Dragon (1500/800)
* Dragon + Machine
= Metal Dragon (1850/1700)
* Dragon + Plant
= B. Dragon Jungle King (2100/1800)
* Dragon + Rock
= Stone D. (2000/2300)
* Dragon + Thunder
= Thunder Dragon (1600/1500)
= Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100)
* Dragon + Time Wizard
= Thousand Dragon (2400/2000)
* Dragon + Warrior
= Dragon Statue (1100/900)
= Dragoness the Wicked Knight (1200/900)
= D. Human (1300/1100)
= Sword Arm of Dragon (1750/2030)
* Dragon + Zombie
= Dragon Zombie (1600/0)
= Skelgon (1700/1900)
= Curse of Dragon (2000/1500)
* Elf + Dark Magic
= Dark Elf (2000/800)
* Elf + Warrior
= Celtic Guardian (1400/1200)
* Fairy + Female
= Dark Witch (1800/1700)
* Fairy + Hibikime (1450/1000)
= Musician King (1750/1500)
* Fairy + Sonic Maid
= Musician King (1750/1500)
* Female + Animal
= Nekogal #2 (1900/2000)
* Female + Fairy
= Dark Witch (1800/1700)
* Female + Fish
= Ice Water (1150/900)
= Enchanting Mermaid (1200/900)
= Amazon of the Seas (1300/1400)
* Female + Plant
= Queen of Autumn Leaves (1800/1500)
* Female + Rock
= Mystical Sand (2100/1700)
* Fiend + Arlownay
= Rose Spectre of Dunn (2000/1800)
* Fiend + Fungi of the Musk
= Darkworld Thorns (1200/900)
* Fiend + Job-change Mirror
= Summoned Skull (2500/1200)
* Fiend + Psychic Kappa
= Kappa Avenger (1200/900)
* Fish + Beast
= Tatsunootoshigo (1350/1600)
= Rare Fish (1500/1200)
= Marine Beast (1700/1600)
* Fish + Female
= Ice Water (1150/900)
= Enchanting Mermaid (1200/900)
= Amazon of the Seas (1300/1400)
* Fish + Hoshiningen
= 7 Colored Fish (1800/800)
* Fish + Machine
= Misairuzame (1400/1600)
= Metal Fish (1600/1900)
* Fish + Rainbow Flower
= 7 Colored Fish (1800/800)
* Fish + Warrior
= Wow Warrior (1250/900)
* Fish + Zombie
= Corroding Shark (1100/700)
* Insect + Kuwagata
= Kwagar Hercules (1900/1700)
* Insect + Warrior
= Cockroach Knight (800/900)
* Jar + Dark Spellcaster
= Ushi Oni (2150/1950)
* Machine + Animal
= Giga-Tech Wolf (1200/1400)
= Dice Armadillo (1650/1800)
* Machine + Dinosaur
= Cyber Saurus (1800/1400)
* Machine + Dragon
= Metal Dragon (1850/1700)
* Machine + Fish
= Misairuzame (1400/1600)
= Metal Fish (1600/1900)
* Machine + Warrior
= Cyber Soldier (1500/1700)
* Plant + Animal
= Flower Wolf (1800/1400)
* Plant + Dragon
= Black Dragon Jungle King (2100/1800)
* Plant + Female
= Queen of Autumn Leaves (1800/1500)
* Plant + Pyro
= Firegrass (700/600)
* Plant + Reptile
= Snakeyashi (1000/1200)
* Plant + Warrior
= Bean Soldier (1400/1300)
* Plant + Zombie
= Wood Remains (1000/900)
= Pumpking the King of Ghosts (1800/2000)
* Pyro + Animal
= Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800)
* Pyro + Fiend Kraken
= Fire Kraken (1600/1500)
* Pyro + Plant
= Firegrass (700/600)
* Pyro + Rock
= Dissolverock (900/1000)
* Pyro + Turtle
= Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames (1400/1800)
* Pyro + Warrior
= Charubin the Fire Knight (1100/800)
= Flame Swordsman (1800/1600)
= Vermillion Sparrow (1900/1500)
* Pyro + WingedBeast
= Mavelus (1300/900)
= Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800)
* Pyro + Zombie
= Fire Reaper (700/500)
= Flame Ghost (1000/800)
* Reptile + Clown Zombie
= Soul Hunter (2200/1800)
* Reptile + Crass Clown
= Soul Hunter (2200/1800)
* Reptile + Plant
= Snakeyashi (1000/1200)
* Reptile + Thunder
= Electric Lizard (850/800)
* Rock + Dragon
= Stone Dragon (2000/2300)
* Rock + Female
= Mystical Sand (2100/1700)
* Rock + Pyro
= Dissolverock (900/1000)
* Rock + Turtle
= Boulder Tortoise (1450/2200)
* Rock + Warrior
= Minomushi Warrior (1300/1200)
* Rock + Zombie
= Stone Ghost (1200/1000)
* Spellcaster + Mystic Lamp (400/300)
= Lord of Lamp (1400/1200)
* Spellcaster + Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Spellcaster + Thunder
= The Immortal of Thunder (1500/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Spellcaster + Turtle
= 30,000-Year White Turtle (1250/2100)
* Spellcaster + Zombie
= Magical Ghost (1300/1400)
* Thunder + Aqua
= Bolt Escargot (1400/1500)
* Thunder + Beast
= Tripwire Beast (1200/1300)
* Thunder + Dragon
= Thunder Dragon (1600/1500)
= Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100)
* Thunder + Reptile
= Electric Lizard (850/800)
* Thunder + Spellcaster
= The Immortal of Thunder (1500/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Turtle + Beast
= Turtle Tiger (1000/1500)
* Turtle + Pyro
= Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames (1400/1800)
* Turtle + Rock
= Boulder Tortoise (1450/2200)
* Turtle + Spelcaster
= 30,000-Year White Turtle (1250/2100)
* Turtle + WingedBeast
= Turtle Bird (1900/1700)
* Warrior + Animal
= Tiger Axe (1300/1100)
* Warrior + Dragon
= Dragon Statue (1100/900)
= Dragoness the Wicked Knight (1200/900)
= D. Human (1300/1100)
= Sword Arm of Dragon (1750/2030)
* Warrior + Fish
= Wow Warrior (1250/900)
* Warrior + Insect
= Cockroach Knight (800/900)
* Warrior + Machine
= Cyber Soldier (1500/1700)
* Warrior + Plant
= Bean Soldier (1400/1300)
* Warrior + Pyro
= Charubin the Fire Knight (1100/800)
= Flame Swordsman (1800/1600)
= Vermillion Sparrow (1900/1500)
* Warrior + Rock
= Minomushi Warrior (1300/1200)
* Warrior + The Judgement Hand
= Judge Man (2200/1700)
* Warrior + Zombie
= Zombie Warrior (1200/900)
= Armored Zombie (1500/0)
* Winged-Beast + Fiend Reflection #2
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* WingedBeast + Job-change Mirror
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* WingedBeast + Pyro
= Mavelus (1300/900)
= Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800)
* WingedBeast + Ryu-Kishin
= Whiptail Crow (1650/1600)
* WingedBeast + The Judgement Hand
= Punished Eagle (2100/1800)
* WingedBeast + Turtle
= Turtle Bird (1900/1700)
* WingedBeast + Wicked Mirror
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* Zombie + Dragon
= Dragon Zombie (1600/0)
= Skelgon (1700/1900)
= Curse of Dragon (2000/1500)
* Zombie + Fish
= Corroding Shark (1100/700)
* Zombie + Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
= The Snake Hair (1500/1200)
* Zombie + Plant
= Wood Remains (1000/900)
= Pumpking the King of Ghosts (1800/2000)
* Zombie + Pyro
= Fire Reaper (700/500)
= Flame Ghost (1000/800)
* Zombie + Rock
= Stone Ghost (1200/1000)
* Zombie + Spellcaster
= Magical Ghost (1300/1400)
* Zombie + Warrior
= Zombie Warrior (1200/900)
= Armored Zombie (1500/0)
Estou criando esse tópico para colocar todas as fusões que dá pra fazer no jogo, eu peguei elas num site, e estou colocando aqui, não testei todas, mas para quem jogou o Forbidden Memories são quase as mesmas.
Obs: as vezes pode demorar para eu postar pois o Orkut tá limitando as minhas postagens na comunidade, não sei acho que é porque estou escrevendo demais, aí eu tenho que ficar esperando minutos e minutos para poder escrever, aí eu desisto e começo outro dia ou mais tarde, mas esse tópico vai ter todas as fusões.
Até mais.
Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon
= Gaia the Dragon Champion (2600/2100)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon + Meteor Black Dragon
= Black Meteor Dragon (3500/2000)
* Animal + Female
= Nekogal #2 (1900/2000)
* Animal + Machine
= Giga-Tech Wolf (1200/1400)
= Dice Armadillo (1650/1800)
* Animal + Plant
= Flower Wolf (1800/1400)
* Animal + Pyro
= Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800)
* Animal + Warrior
= Tiger Axe (1300/1100)
* Aqua + Dragon
= Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kairyu-Shin (1800/1500)
= Sea King Dragon (2000/1700)
* Aqua + Ground Attacker Bugroth
= Amphibious Bugroth (1850/1300)
* Aqua + Kappa Avenger
= Hyosube (1500/900)
* Aqua + Psychic Kappa
= Hyosube (1500/900)
* Aqua + Thunder
= Bolt Escargot (1400/1500)
* Beast + Fish
= Tatsunootoshigo (1350/1600)
= Rare Fish (1500/1200)
= Marine Beast (1700/1600)
* Beast + Larvas
= Mon Larvas (1300/1400)
* Beast + Thunder
= Tripwire Beast (1200/1300)
* Beast + Turtle
= Turtle Tiger (1000/1500)
* Dark Magic + Dragon
= Blackland Fire Dragon (1500/800)
* Dark Magic + Elf
= Dark Elf (2000/800)
* Dark Spellcaster + Jar
= Ushi Oni (2150/1950)
* Dark Spellcaster + Ryu-Kishin
= Ryu-Kishin Powered (1600/1200)
* Dinosaur + Machine
= Cyber Saurus (1800/1400)
* Dragon + Aqua
= Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kairyu-Shin (1800/1500)
= Sea King Dragon (2000/1700)
* Dragon + Dark Magic
= Blackland Fire Dragon (1500/800)
* Dragon + Machine
= Metal Dragon (1850/1700)
* Dragon + Plant
= B. Dragon Jungle King (2100/1800)
* Dragon + Rock
= Stone D. (2000/2300)
* Dragon + Thunder
= Thunder Dragon (1600/1500)
= Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100)
* Dragon + Time Wizard
= Thousand Dragon (2400/2000)
* Dragon + Warrior
= Dragon Statue (1100/900)
= Dragoness the Wicked Knight (1200/900)
= D. Human (1300/1100)
= Sword Arm of Dragon (1750/2030)
* Dragon + Zombie
= Dragon Zombie (1600/0)
= Skelgon (1700/1900)
= Curse of Dragon (2000/1500)
* Elf + Dark Magic
= Dark Elf (2000/800)
* Elf + Warrior
= Celtic Guardian (1400/1200)
* Fairy + Female
= Dark Witch (1800/1700)
* Fairy + Hibikime (1450/1000)
= Musician King (1750/1500)
* Fairy + Sonic Maid
= Musician King (1750/1500)
* Female + Animal
= Nekogal #2 (1900/2000)
* Female + Fairy
= Dark Witch (1800/1700)
* Female + Fish
= Ice Water (1150/900)
= Enchanting Mermaid (1200/900)
= Amazon of the Seas (1300/1400)
* Female + Plant
= Queen of Autumn Leaves (1800/1500)
* Female + Rock
= Mystical Sand (2100/1700)
* Fiend + Arlownay
= Rose Spectre of Dunn (2000/1800)
* Fiend + Fungi of the Musk
= Darkworld Thorns (1200/900)
* Fiend + Job-change Mirror
= Summoned Skull (2500/1200)
* Fiend + Psychic Kappa
= Kappa Avenger (1200/900)
* Fish + Beast
= Tatsunootoshigo (1350/1600)
= Rare Fish (1500/1200)
= Marine Beast (1700/1600)
* Fish + Female
= Ice Water (1150/900)
= Enchanting Mermaid (1200/900)
= Amazon of the Seas (1300/1400)
* Fish + Hoshiningen
= 7 Colored Fish (1800/800)
* Fish + Machine
= Misairuzame (1400/1600)
= Metal Fish (1600/1900)
* Fish + Rainbow Flower
= 7 Colored Fish (1800/800)
* Fish + Warrior
= Wow Warrior (1250/900)
* Fish + Zombie
= Corroding Shark (1100/700)
* Insect + Kuwagata
= Kwagar Hercules (1900/1700)
* Insect + Warrior
= Cockroach Knight (800/900)
* Jar + Dark Spellcaster
= Ushi Oni (2150/1950)
* Machine + Animal
= Giga-Tech Wolf (1200/1400)
= Dice Armadillo (1650/1800)
* Machine + Dinosaur
= Cyber Saurus (1800/1400)
* Machine + Dragon
= Metal Dragon (1850/1700)
* Machine + Fish
= Misairuzame (1400/1600)
= Metal Fish (1600/1900)
* Machine + Warrior
= Cyber Soldier (1500/1700)
* Plant + Animal
= Flower Wolf (1800/1400)
* Plant + Dragon
= Black Dragon Jungle King (2100/1800)
* Plant + Female
= Queen of Autumn Leaves (1800/1500)
* Plant + Pyro
= Firegrass (700/600)
* Plant + Reptile
= Snakeyashi (1000/1200)
* Plant + Warrior
= Bean Soldier (1400/1300)
* Plant + Zombie
= Wood Remains (1000/900)
= Pumpking the King of Ghosts (1800/2000)
* Pyro + Animal
= Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800)
* Pyro + Fiend Kraken
= Fire Kraken (1600/1500)
* Pyro + Plant
= Firegrass (700/600)
* Pyro + Rock
= Dissolverock (900/1000)
* Pyro + Turtle
= Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames (1400/1800)
* Pyro + Warrior
= Charubin the Fire Knight (1100/800)
= Flame Swordsman (1800/1600)
= Vermillion Sparrow (1900/1500)
* Pyro + WingedBeast
= Mavelus (1300/900)
= Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800)
* Pyro + Zombie
= Fire Reaper (700/500)
= Flame Ghost (1000/800)
* Reptile + Clown Zombie
= Soul Hunter (2200/1800)
* Reptile + Crass Clown
= Soul Hunter (2200/1800)
* Reptile + Plant
= Snakeyashi (1000/1200)
* Reptile + Thunder
= Electric Lizard (850/800)
* Rock + Dragon
= Stone Dragon (2000/2300)
* Rock + Female
= Mystical Sand (2100/1700)
* Rock + Pyro
= Dissolverock (900/1000)
* Rock + Turtle
= Boulder Tortoise (1450/2200)
* Rock + Warrior
= Minomushi Warrior (1300/1200)
* Rock + Zombie
= Stone Ghost (1200/1000)
* Spellcaster + Mystic Lamp (400/300)
= Lord of Lamp (1400/1200)
* Spellcaster + Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Spellcaster + Thunder
= The Immortal of Thunder (1500/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Spellcaster + Turtle
= 30,000-Year White Turtle (1250/2100)
* Spellcaster + Zombie
= Magical Ghost (1300/1400)
* Thunder + Aqua
= Bolt Escargot (1400/1500)
* Thunder + Beast
= Tripwire Beast (1200/1300)
* Thunder + Dragon
= Thunder Dragon (1600/1500)
= Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100)
* Thunder + Reptile
= Electric Lizard (850/800)
* Thunder + Spellcaster
= The Immortal of Thunder (1500/1300)
= Kaminari Attack (1900/1400)
* Turtle + Beast
= Turtle Tiger (1000/1500)
* Turtle + Pyro
= Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames (1400/1800)
* Turtle + Rock
= Boulder Tortoise (1450/2200)
* Turtle + Spelcaster
= 30,000-Year White Turtle (1250/2100)
* Turtle + WingedBeast
= Turtle Bird (1900/1700)
* Warrior + Animal
= Tiger Axe (1300/1100)
* Warrior + Dragon
= Dragon Statue (1100/900)
= Dragoness the Wicked Knight (1200/900)
= D. Human (1300/1100)
= Sword Arm of Dragon (1750/2030)
* Warrior + Fish
= Wow Warrior (1250/900)
* Warrior + Insect
= Cockroach Knight (800/900)
* Warrior + Machine
= Cyber Soldier (1500/1700)
* Warrior + Plant
= Bean Soldier (1400/1300)
* Warrior + Pyro
= Charubin the Fire Knight (1100/800)
= Flame Swordsman (1800/1600)
= Vermillion Sparrow (1900/1500)
* Warrior + Rock
= Minomushi Warrior (1300/1200)
* Warrior + The Judgement Hand
= Judge Man (2200/1700)
* Warrior + Zombie
= Zombie Warrior (1200/900)
= Armored Zombie (1500/0)
* Winged-Beast + Fiend Reflection #2
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* WingedBeast + Job-change Mirror
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* WingedBeast + Pyro
= Mavelus (1300/900)
= Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800)
* WingedBeast + Ryu-Kishin
= Whiptail Crow (1650/1600)
* WingedBeast + The Judgement Hand
= Punished Eagle (2100/1800)
* WingedBeast + Turtle
= Turtle Bird (1900/1700)
* WingedBeast + Wicked Mirror
= Fiend Reflection #1 (1300/1400)
* Zombie + Dragon
= Dragon Zombie (1600/0)
= Skelgon (1700/1900)
= Curse of Dragon (2000/1500)
* Zombie + Fish
= Corroding Shark (1100/700)
* Zombie + Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
= The Snake Hair (1500/1200)
* Zombie + Plant
= Wood Remains (1000/900)
= Pumpking the King of Ghosts (1800/2000)
* Zombie + Pyro
= Fire Reaper (700/500)
= Flame Ghost (1000/800)
* Zombie + Rock
= Stone Ghost (1200/1000)
* Zombie + Spellcaster
= Magical Ghost (1300/1400)
* Zombie + Warrior
= Zombie Warrior (1200/900)
= Armored Zombie (1500/0)
lista + comppleta acesse:http://adrmsrfm.blogspot.com.br/2014/06/cartas-fusoes-yu-gi-oh-fm.html